It All Began A Few Years Ago...
The House of Blessings has been serving the Monticello, Kentucky community since 2013 and has had a volunteer base representing over twenty churches from many different denominations. We are a group of believers who have united together and donate our time and resources to provide for those in need. There are no paid positions in this organization and all donations go right back into the ministry to purchase food, supplies, appliances, insurance, and maintenance.​
We acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and we are united as one body of Christ that work together being His hands and feet, serving the best interests of the people. Because of this mission work, we have been able to come into contact with and reach people who have never stepped foot into a church. We have short devotionals prior to serving our meals because we want these people to experience Christ's love that they may come to know Him as you and I know Him.